The Worst Roads in America: How Route Optimization Can Help

Imagine driving down a road filled with potholes, cracks, and uneven surfaces – sounds like a nightmare, right? Unfortunately, this is a reality for many drivers in America. States like California and Rhode Island are notorious for having some of the worst roads in the country. According to recent data, 44% of California’s urban roads and 41% of Rhode Island’s roads are in poor condition, making them some of the worst in the nation. These poor road conditions can lead to increased vehicle repair costs, higher maintenance bills, and, most importantly, safety hazards for drivers.

Navigating through these problematic areas can be challenging, but there’s a solution! Route optimization through telematics can help drivers avoid the worst roads, saving time, money, and ensuring safer journeys. By leveraging advanced technology, fleet managers and individual drivers can plan routes that steer clear of troublesome spots, making every trip smoother and more efficient. In this post, we’ll explore the worst roads in America and how route optimization can make a difference.

Where are the Worst Roads in America?

Several studies highlight the states with the worst road conditions in America. According to recent data, California and Rhode Island top the list for the worst road roughness. In California, 44% of urban roads are in poor condition, while in Rhode Island, 41% of roads suffer from similar issues. These states, along with others like Louisiana and New York, face significant challenges in maintaining road quality despite substantial spending on road improvements​​​​.

What is the Impact for Drivers?

One of the most immediate consequences is increased wear and tear on vehicles. Potholes, cracks, and uneven surfaces can lead to frequent repairs and higher maintenance costs. Drivers often have to replace tires, fix alignment issues, and address suspension damage more frequently than they would on better-maintained roads.

Moreover, safety is a significant concern. Poor road conditions can increase the risk of accidents, as drivers might lose control of their vehicles when navigating through rough patches. The constant need to maneuver around potholes can also lead to distracted driving, further elevating the risk of collisions. For instance, California’s high traffic volume exacerbates these issues, contributing to a higher rate of motor vehicle-related fatalities​​.

What is Route Optimization?

Route optimization is the process of determining the most efficient routes for vehicles to take to reach their destinations. This involves using algorithms and various data inputs to minimize travel time, reduce fuel consumption, and avoid obstacles such as traffic congestion and poor road conditions. 

Route optimization software considers multiple factors, including distance, road quality, traffic patterns, and vehicle capabilities, to generate the best possible route for a given set of conditions. This technology offers several benefits:

  1. Reduced Travel Time: By calculating the most efficient routes, route optimization minimizes the time drivers spend on the road. This not only ensures timely deliveries but also allows for more deliveries to be made in a shorter period.
  2. Fuel Savings: Optimizing routes helps reduce unnecessary driving, which in turn cuts down on fuel consumption. This can lead to substantial cost savings, especially for fleets with many vehicles.
  3. Enhanced Safety: Avoiding poorly maintained roads and congested areas reduces the risk of accidents. Route optimization can direct drivers through safer routes, enhancing overall safety for both the drivers and the vehicles.
  4. Improved Vehicle Longevity: By steering clear of rough roads, route optimization helps minimize wear and tear on vehicles, leading to fewer repairs and longer vehicle lifespans.
  5. Environmental Benefits: Reduced fuel consumption also means lower emissions, contributing to a decrease in the environmental footprint of transportation activities.

What Role Does Telematics Technology Play?

Telematics technology collects and transmits data on various aspects of vehicle performance and road conditions, which can then be analyzed to optimize routes. Incorporating telematics into route optimization ensures that fleet managers can make data-driven decisions, improving efficiency and safety while reducing costs and environmental impact.

Key features of telematics that support route optimization include:

  • Real-Time GPS Tracking: This provides up-to-date information on vehicle locations, allowing for dynamic route adjustments based on current traffic and road conditions.
  • Data Analytics: Telematics systems analyze data on driving patterns, fuel consumption, and road quality to identify the most efficient routes.
  • Automated Reporting: Detailed reports generated by telematics systems help fleet managers monitor performance and make informed decisions about route planning.
  • Driver Behavior Monitoring: By tracking driving habits, telematics can suggest routes that minimize risky driving behaviors and enhance safety.

How Route Optimization Can Help

Route optimization helps drivers avoid the worst roads by providing alternate routes that bypass areas with known poor conditions. GoFleet’s route optimization software, integrated with the MyGeotab fleet management system, allows users to create efficient routes that steer clear of troublesome spots, thus minimizing the wear and tear on vehicles. This software analyzes real-time data and historical route performance to suggest the best possible paths for your drivers, ensuring a smoother and safer journey​​​​.

Real-Time Adjustments

GoFleet’s system offers dynamic route planning, which means it can respond to unexpected changes like traffic jams, road closures, or adverse weather conditions. This flexibility ensures that drivers can always take the most efficient route, reducing travel time and avoiding delays​​​​.

Cost Savings

By avoiding deteriorated roads, route optimization can lead to significant savings on vehicle repair and maintenance costs. Bad roads can cause extensive damage to vehicles, resulting in higher maintenance bills. With route optimization, fleets can reduce the number of miles traveled on poor roads, thereby lowering the risk of damage and extending the lifespan of their vehicles. Additionally, optimized routes mean less fuel consumption, contributing to overall cost savings​​​​.

Improving Safety

Avoiding poor road conditions not only saves money but also enhances safety. Bad roads are a common cause of accidents and vehicle damage. By providing safer, optimized routes, route optimization helps protect drivers from the hazards of rough roads. This proactive approach to route planning ensures that drivers are less likely to encounter dangerous situations, leading to safer journeys for everyone on the road​​​​.

If you’re looking to navigate better and safer journeys, consider implementing route optimization in your fleet operations. This powerful tool can revolutionize the way you manage your routes, ensuring enhanced efficiency, significant cost savings, and improved safety for your drivers. By leveraging advanced route planning technology, you can avoid the worst roads, reduce wear and tear on your vehicles, and deliver superior service to your customers. 

How Route Optimization Can Save Time and Money

In a world where time is often equated with money, the need for efficiency in every aspect of our lives, especially transportation, has never been more pressing. Route optimization emerges as a pivotal solution in this context, transforming the way we navigate our journeys. 

At its core, route optimization is more than just finding the shortest path between two points. It involves a complex analysis of various factors such as traffic conditions, vehicle type, and delivery windows to determine the most efficient route possible.

The relevance of this technology is not just theoretical. Statistics show that transportation route optimization can enhance operational efficiency by 20-30% for trucking fleets. This significant improvement is not just in terms of time saved, but it also extends to other critical aspects like reducing fuel consumption, thereby lowering pollution and emissions, improving driver satisfaction, and ensuring more accurate estimated times of arrival (ETAs) for deliveries​​. 

As our world grows increasingly fast-paced and environmentally conscious, the importance of optimizing routes becomes more apparent, offering a blend of time and cost savings while contributing to sustainability efforts.

This article explores the nuances of route optimization, shedding light on its benefits and exploring how it can be a game-changer in various industries. From reducing operational costs to mitigating environmental impact, the journey through this topic promises to be as enlightening as it is essential.

Understanding Route Optimization

Route optimization is a strategic process that goes beyond the simple notion of finding the shortest path between locations. It involves a comprehensive approach to planning the most efficient and cost-effective routes for vehicles to take, considering multiple factors and constraints.

Definition and Key Concepts

    • Definition: At its essence, route optimization is the process of determining the most efficient route(s) for a set of destinations. This involves not just minimizing travel distance or time, but also accommodating various constraints such as delivery windows, vehicle capacity, driver hours, and customer preferences.
  • Key Concepts:
    • Multi-Stop Routing: Unlike traditional navigation that focuses on point-to-point directions, route optimization often involves multi-stop routes, where the order of stops is as crucial as the paths taken.
    • Dynamic Routing: The ability to adjust routes in real-time based on changing conditions like traffic, weather, or last-minute schedule changes.
    • Constraint-Based Planning: Considering factors like vehicle types and capacities, driver schedules, and specific customer requirements.

Algorithms and Technologies Involved

  • Algorithms:
      • Genetic Algorithms: Mimicking natural selection to continuously improve route efficiency over successive iterations.
      • Simulated Annealing: Using probability to explore different route configurations and gradually honing in on the most efficient one.
      • Greedy Algorithms: Quickly generating a route by making the locally optimal choice at each step, with adjustments for improved efficiency.
  • Technologies:
    • GPS and GIS: Utilizing Global Positioning Systems and Geographic Information Systems for accurate location tracking and mapping.
    • Machine Learning: Analyzing historical data to predict traffic patterns and optimize future routing.
    • Cloud Computing: Leveraging cloud-based platforms for scalable, real-time route optimization solutions that can handle large datasets and complex routing scenarios.

Together, these technologies and algorithms enable route optimization systems to offer sophisticated and flexible solutions that significantly boost efficiency and effectiveness in various transportation-related operations.

The Impact of Inefficient Routing

The consequences of inefficient routing can be far-reaching, impacting not only operational costs but also environmental sustainability and workforce morale.

The Cost of Inefficient Routes in Terms of Time and Money

  • Operational Costs: Companies that rely on manual or basic tools for route planning can find their transportation operational costs inflated by 10-30% more than necessary. These avoidable costs extend beyond mere transportation expenses, affecting the overall financial health of the organization​​.
  • Increased Mileage and Time: Inefficient routes typically result in the use of more miles and time than needed. Considering that the average cost of a truck mile is calculated at $1.82, reducing total annual fleet miles by even 10-15% can lead to substantial savings, highlighting the monetary losses incurred due to inefficient routing​​.

Real-World Examples of Inefficiencies in Routing

  • Driver Turnover Costs: The dissatisfaction caused by inefficient routing can lead to driver turnover, which is costly. The average cost of hiring a new driver is around $8,200, including recruitment, administration, and training expenses. Fair and achievable route allocation, a benefit of efficient routing, plays a crucial role in driver satisfaction and retention​​.
  • Environmental Impact: Beyond the direct financial implications, inefficient routing contributes to unnecessary fuel consumption and increased emissions, adversely affecting the environment.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Inefficient routes often lead to delays and inconsistencies in service, impacting customer satisfaction and potentially harming the company’s reputation.

These examples underscore the significance of adopting advanced route optimization solutions. Not only do they offer financial benefits, but they also contribute to environmental sustainability and improved employee and customer satisfaction.

Benefits of Route Optimization

Route optimization stands as a cornerstone in modern operational strategies, offering a spectrum of benefits that transcend mere logistical improvements. By refining the way routes are planned and executed, this technology brings about significant time and cost savings, while also contributing to environmental sustainability. 

Below, we’ll look at specific advantages that route optimization offers, which collectively enhance overall business efficiency and responsibility.

Time Savings: Reducing Travel Time

  • Efficient Routing: Optimized routes minimize unnecessary detours and delays, directly reducing travel time. This efficiency is crucial for time-sensitive deliveries and services.
  • Dynamic Adjustments: Real-time adjustments to routes in response to traffic, weather, or other unforeseen circumstances help maintain the shortest possible travel times.

Cost Savings: Reduction in Fuel Consumption and Maintenance Costs

  • Fuel Efficiency: Less time on the road means lower fuel consumption, a significant cost factor for transportation and logistics companies.
  • Vehicle Maintenance: Reduced wear and tear from fewer miles traveled leads to lower maintenance costs and extended vehicle lifespan.

Environmental Benefits: Lower Carbon Footprint

  • Reduced Emissions: Fewer miles traveled and less time idling result in lower greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a smaller carbon footprint.
  • Sustainable Operations: Route optimization aligns with broader environmental goals by promoting more sustainable business practices.

Route Optimization in Different Industries

Route optimization is not confined to a single industry; its benefits span across various sectors, each with unique demands and challenges. By enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving service quality, route optimization proves its versatility and critical role in different operational contexts. Let’s explore how this technology is applied across diverse industries.

Logistics and Delivery Services

  • Efficiency in Delivery: Optimizes delivery schedules, ensuring timely deliveries while minimizing travel distances and times.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Improves the accuracy of delivery windows, enhancing customer service.

Public Transportation Systems

  • Optimized Scheduling: Enhances route planning for buses and trains, reducing wait times and improving passenger experience.
  • Resource Allocation: Ensures efficient use of vehicles and personnel, increasing system reliability.

Emergency Services and Healthcare

  • Rapid Response: Facilitates quicker response times for ambulances and emergency vehicles, potentially saving lives.
  • Resource Management: Efficiently allocates resources such as ambulances and medical staff.

Field Service Management

  • Scheduling Efficiency: Improves the planning of service visits, reducing travel time for technicians.
  • Cost Reduction: Lowers operational costs through efficient route planning, directly impacting the bottom line.

In each of these sectors, route optimization plays a crucial role in enhancing efficiency, reducing 

costs, and improving service quality, demonstrating its universal applicability and value.

Case Studies: The Transformative Power of Route Optimization

The implementation of route optimization has proven to be transformative for various businesses and organizations. These case studies showcase how different entities have harnessed the power of route optimization to achieve remarkable improvements in efficiency, cost savings, and customer service.

1. Fit Fixins: Meal Delivery Service

    • Background: Fit Fixins, a meal delivery company in Florida, faced challenges in managing logistics efficiently.
    • Implementation: They adopted route planning software to streamline their route planning.
  • Benefits:
    • Increased Delivery Capacity: Doubled meal delivery capacity, handling up to 35 deliveries per route within a 4-hour window, compared to 15-20 previously​​.
    • Reduced Operating Costs: Saved over $3,000 annually in staff time, plus additional savings from reduced fuel consumption and vehicle maintenance​​.
    • Improved Efficiency: Reduced route planning time from over 3 hours to 30 minutes to 1 hour, twice a week​​.
    • Enhanced Customer Service: More timely deliveries and the ability to provide accurate ETAs to customers​​.

2. Food & Friends: Nonprofit Organization

    • Background: Food & Friends, providing meals and groceries, needed efficient routing for their growing delivery needs.
    • Implementation: Commissioned a software development company to integrate Route Optimization API into their operations.
  • Benefits:
    • Time Savings: Reduced manual route optimization time from 2 hours a day to saving 10 hours per week, amounting to 520 staff hours per year​​.
    • Operational Efficiency: Streamlined food preparation and deliveries for thousands of people, including those with special dietary needs​​.
    • Resource Optimization: Efficient use of 9 vans and numerous volunteer drivers for deliveries​​.
    • Enhanced Donor Appeal: Demonstrated efficient operations as a compelling point for donors, stretching financial resources further​​.

3. White Picket Produce: Organic Produce Delivery

    • Background: White Picket Produce, an organic produce delivery business in Florida, sought to reduce delivery costs.
    • Implementation: Adopted routing software for delivery route planning.
  • Benefits:
    • Cost Savings: Annual savings of approximately $4,500, with the software paying for itself in the first month​​.
    • Reduced Environmental Impact: Lessened miles driven, resulting in lower fuel costs and reduced carbon footprint​​.
    • Time Efficiency: Saved approximately 2 hours per week in route planning​​.

These case studies demonstrate how diverse businesses and organizations can significantly benefit from implementing route optimization solutions, leading to improved efficiency, cost savings, and better customer service.

Final Thoughts

Route optimization stands out as a critical component in the contemporary business landscape, offering a multifaceted approach to improving operational efficiency. The compelling benefits highlighted in various case studies—ranging from substantial time and cost savings to enhanced environmental sustainability—underscore its significance. 

To discover more about how route optimization can benefit your business, reach out to our knowledgeable GoFleet consultants today. They are ready to assist you in navigating this vital aspect of your business journey.

Four Questions for Fleet Dispatchers to Solve


What exactly is fleet dispatching?


Fleet dispatching is a job where someone communicates with drivers and customers in order to schedule driving assignments. Dispatchers have a hectic workload between managing drivers, customers, forms, and everything in between.

What are some questions that fleet dispatchers must solve in order to create a smooth communication process? In order to adapt, dispatchers are increasingly relying on dispatching software to solve the following questions:


Question 1: What is the best way to communicate with my drivers?


One of the biggest responsibilities for fleet dispatchers is to communicate with their drivers. Dispatchers need to talk with drivers to figure out their location, get a job status, and to send drivers on their next job.

For a long time, the best way to communicate is through phone calls. Unfortunately, this could turn into a game of phone tag. One business we worked with shared a list of different excuses on why dispatchers could not reach their drivers through phone including:

  • “Sorry m’aam, I didn’t hear your call. My phone was on silent.”
  • “Sorry sir, my phone battery was low.”
  • “Sorry m’aam, I had to turn my phone off.”

Not very impressive for their dispatchers! The dispatchers now rely on a two-way communication tool. This allows dispatchers to locate drivers without calling them. The dispatcher can also send messages back and forth through pop-up chats instead of playing phone tag.

fleet dispatchers 2-way communication


Question 2: How can I work through language barriers?


Trucking is becoming more diverse. There are a lot more foreign-born drivers and as a result, a lot more language barriers. In states such as California and New Jersey, foreign-born drivers make up of more than 40% of total drivers.

For fleet dispatchers who might not share the same language as drivers, how can they communicate? A lot of these dispatchers are turning to auto-translating dispatching software solutions.

These solutions support different languages which allows dispatchers to send instructions in English, while the driver receives the same instructions in their native language. The driver can then respond back while having that response translated back into English for the dispatcher.

fleet dispatching translation


Question 3: What’s the easiest way to plan routes?


Dispatchers are responsible for finding the most profitable loads and for assigning drivers to these jobs. Other than simply finding the closest driver, dispatchers need to consider other factors such as available hours of service, weather conditions, and road traffic.

Thankfully, dispatchers do not need to plan all of these factors in their head. The easiest way to plan routes is using a Route Optimization tool.

Route optimization is a program that plans the best route for dispatchers. The system finds available drivers and plots them to the most efficient route. It also allows dispatchers to give drivers the best route to take while accounting for variables such as weather and road conditions.

dispatching solutions


Question 4: Are forms properly completed?


Dispatchers are responsible for completing forms – a lot of forms. As with any data entry job, errors can occur. Some of the common errors range from typos & calculation errors to misreading clumsy handwriting.

Many dispatchers are moving away from clumsy data entry with an automated billing system.

Here’s how the system works. Drivers can electronically upload information such as signatures when the job is complete. The system then fills in other data such as vehicle information, driver information, and time stamps. From there, the necessary information is printed and stored in the accounting system. This system, as a result, saves administration work and prevents errors.


Click here for more information on Dispatching and Routing.


The Road: An Inside Look at a Truck Dispatcher’s Job
PRI: America’s trucking industry faces a shortage. Meet the immigrants helping fill the gap.
Entrepreneur: Contracts 101: The Critical Paperwork You’ll Use as a Freight Broker

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Designed by Freepik


Route Optimization Software Increases Fleet Efficiency

Increase Fleet Efficiency With Route Optimization Software

Automated route optimization software can be used to reduce operating costs with fleet tracking and performance reporting. There are many advanced tools to help companies schedule the most efficient routes, track performance and analyze their fleet operations.

Route optimization software is available as an add-on to the GoFleet GPS fleet tracking solution. It allows you to deliver a higher level of customer service because you can receive automatic alerts, visual notifications as well as advanced operational reporting. The tools can be used to help you schedule efficient routes, increase fleet effciency and keep your drivers productivity up. Your customers will notice a big difference with accurate estimated times of arrivals, short service windows and quick dispute resolution.

Optimized routing also reduces the amount of miles your drivers travel. Driving less miles is actually the most effective way to reduce your fuel costs. Since your routes will be automatically planned out for your drivers, they will actually have more time to visit more customers. The more customers you are able to provide service to, the more money your business is able to make.

Route optimization software allows you to monitor your drivers’ progress and identify any drivers who are incurring an excessive amount of miles. If a driver travels out of an authorized area, you will be immediately notified via email or dashboard message. You will immediately gain control over whether your drivers are going where they are supposed to when you add-on the route optimization software.

In addition, you will also be able to identify any drivers that have inefficient fuel usage behaviors such as excessive idling for climate control. You can also set up instant notifications if your driver idles excessively so you can immediately correct the behavior. A driver’s behavior is actually the key to how much fuel is used. Other driving behaviors that affect fuel consumption include speeding, shift patterns and excessive rpm. Route optimization software provides a better insight into your drivers’ habits so that you can work with them to improve their behaviors over time.

Computerized Maintenance Management Software Features

Features of GoFleet’s Computerized Maintenance Management Software

Businesses face many challenges trying to manage their fleet’s maintenance. Handling the process manually can prove time consuming and complicated. It is not difficult to overlook the scheduling of preventative maintenance. In addition, unexpected repair costs, scheduling issues and inefficient fuel usage can increase the operating costs for each vehicle and hurt the business’ bottom line.

Fleet managers can improve their operations with GoFleet’s computerized maintenance management software add-on. This software lets managers gain control of their operations and manage maintenance costs. GoFleet’s computerized maintenance management software is easy to use and fully customizable to meet each business’ individual needs.

Fleet managers are able to quickly resolve their fleet maintenance issues and anticipate maintenance requirements in the future. GoFleet provides a wide variety of computerized maintenance management software tools to handle vehicle service issues, preventative maintenance and scheduling repairs.

The computerized maintenance management software is fully integrated with GoFleet’s GPS fleet tracking system allowing managers to track, capture and analyze all of the fleet’s metrics including vehicle usage, engine hours, fuel consumption, vehicle data and fleet operation costs. This data allows fleet managers and business owners to make informed business decisions to optimize their fleet operations, reduce maintenance costs, and increase the bottom line.

Advantages of Computerized Maintenance Management System

Fleet managers can easily schedule maintenance activities and reminders for all necessary maintenance including oil changes, tune-ups, tire rotation, license renewal and lease expiry. Customized reminders can be set up for any other maintenance activities. Reminders can be set up as a one-time event or recurring events based on vehicle mileage, vehicle engine hours or a set time frame.

Fleet managers can define as many triggers for preventative maintenance as necessary. These triggers can automatically complete vehicle maintenance work orders and other maintenance tasks. Meter readings are also monitored automatically.

With GoFleet’s computerized maintenance management software, fleet managers will be able to manage their vehicle’s full life-cycle with a complete view of all mobile assets and equipment. For more information about the computerized maintenance management software, Contact Us.

Automated Fleet Routing Software Can Reduce Your Operating Costs


Reduce Your Operating
Costs With Automated Fleet Routing Software

When you add-on automated fleet
routing software to your
GoFleet GPS tracking system, you will be able to track your performance
reduce operating costs. You will be able to deliver excellent customer
service because you will receive automatic messages, visual
notifications and operational
reporting. Advanced tools can be used to help companies schedule more
efficient routes, track fleet performance and analyze their fleet operations.

Fleet Routing Software Features

There are many valuable features to
using automated fleet
routing software including:

  • Fleet
    The planning tool allows you to plan, optimize
    and analyze your fleet. You will also be able to plan your driver
    resources and
    fleet sizing requirements.
  • Intelligent
    Automated fleet routing software
    provides you with intelligent mapping, automatic notifications and
  • Builds
    Detailed Routes:
    The software also builds routes for
    your business. It can build dynamic daily routes or fixed routes. It
    also has capabilities
    for multi-day, single day and one-way routes.
  • Customer
    Service Reporting:
    You will be able to provide superior
    customer service because you can track orders for your customers and
    customer service reporting.

Of Automated Fleet Routing Software

  • Reduces
    Operating Costs:
    Better route planning and driver
    will lower your operating costs. You will be able to generate a return
    investment in a matter of months instead of waiting years.
  • Increased
    Fleet Efficiency:
    Your fleet will be operating at
    maximum efficiency with effective driver tracking and route planning.
  • Real-Time
    Estimated Times Of Arrivals:
    You will know exactly
    when your drivers should arrive on a job location with real-time ETAs.
    Automatic notifications will be sent to the fleet manager to provide
    Drivers can also get turn-by-turn directions if they need assistance
    finding a
    job site.
  • Competitive
    Using intelligent automated fleet
    routing software, your business can use performance reporting to gain a
    competitive advantage. Customer satisfaction will increase because
    drivers will
    arrive at the given ETA and they will be able to track orders.

More information: Automated Fleet Routing Software


Better Route Optimization With A Fleet Management System

Fleet Management System & Route Optimization

Original Article Written by: Thomas Jiang, Geotab Senior Developer

It wasn’t that long ago drivers of fleet were using paper maps with directions on paper. They would rely on their own memory to come up with the best route for reaching the destination. With the introduction of advanced fleet management technology, organizations and companies with large fleets have recognized the significance of route optimization for improving the efficiency of an entire fleet.

Routing has proven to be one of the most important parts of fleet management, especially in an economy with rising fuel prices. Routing can significantly increase productivity and efficiency of the fleet while reducing costs at the same time. Route planning is especially important to fleet managers; for example, a fleet manager at a delivery company would be responsible for setting a delivery plan each day for every driver using the best possible route. The driver would then be required to follow this route. While this may have proven to be somewhat efficient there was room for improvement and simplification to further increase productivity. With the integration of routing into the always advancing fleet management systems, drivers now follow pre-scheduled routes that have been put into the system and directly sent to the driver. The fleet managers can then review at the end of the day whether the driver followed the provided route and can determine the productivity of each individual.

Users can easily create a route consisting of multiple zones on a map in the My Geotab fleet management system. Drivers can then see the routes from their GPS device.

The fleet management system also provides an easy way to compare actual routes versus planned routes, as well as other important information such as:

  • Expected Arrival Time
  • Actual Arrival Time
  • Stopped Zone
  • Duration of Idling

Managers can also access the Route Summary Report to find out the number of routes that have been followed over any specific time period. This will allow them to see a summary of the entire fleet. Through the Route Summary Report, users also can access:

  • Route Name
  • First Departure
  • Last Arrival Time
  • Office Duration
  • Home Duration
  • Driving Distance

fleet management system fleet route optimization
fleet management system fleet route optimization

The routing calculation itself can be quite complicated.
Many larger corporations have developed their own route calculation system over the years based on their own requirements. Creating thousands of routes one by one, however, is a huge task – especially when routes change over time. In order for users to be able to integrate their routing calculation into the MyGeotab fleet management system and make the best use of the other fleet management features, MyGeotab provides a comprehensive solution where users are able to import their routes using the Software Development Kit (SDK).

In a typical case, with the help of the SDK users are given the options to import vehicles, zones, routes and drivers in just a few API calls, and MyGeotab will automatically pick up the defined route. The fleet manager can then go to MyGeotab to view and dispatch the routes as well as run different reports on these routes. Because of the powerful SDK from Geotab, users can update their routes regularly.

To learn more about our fleet management systems, MyGeotab, or about route optimization, contact one of our fleet consultants today!


Original Article Written by: Thomas Jiang, Geotab Senior Developer