The Benefits of Using E Forms

Forms are vital documents for every business, government organization, and enterprise as they help the various businesses and organizations get details and information of clients and customers. For instance, Schools use forms to register their students and pupils, customer services use forms for inquiries, also hospitals and health centers use forms to get their patients information and health history.


As the world is gradually evolving to become a more digital and technological community, it is no surprise that the conventional way of creating paperwork and paper forms are becoming extinct because of the innovation of e forms or electronic forms.


Since it’s innovation, e forms have proven to be beneficial to both organizations and their users/clients. Below are some of the ways that e forms are beneficial.



1. More Access


Benefits of E forms


Whether you are close by or on a trip far away, you will always have access to an e form. With a good internet connection, you can access your e form wherever you are in the world especially if it is a cloud base. In order words, paperless forms have provided a solution for remote access users or clients. That is to say, forms can be easily and digitally routed from one location to another without the conventional stress.



2. Saves Effort



Benefits of e forms


Collecting forms using the conventional way only proves to be stressful and a waste of effort at times. Businesses and large organizations like hospitals that receive forms every day have to deal with many issues and errors on paper forms submitted by patients. If an organization chooses to use e forms, on the other hand, it helps eliminate the issue of deciphering a client/patients handwriting, errors and transcribed data. Hence, saving time, effort and labor.



3. Easy Control of Form Quality


Using e forms enables an organization to control the data they are collecting. This can be done by creating controls to make sure that customers and clients are submitting correct phone numbers and email addresses etc. E forms also help the organization to always be updated and to gather error-free information by integrating form fields with existing databases and classifying synchronized data by sending them automatically to their systems.



4. No Paper


Benefits of e forms


The opportunity to use less paper or no paper is very beneficial to both the user and the organization. Paper forms can be quite expensive to produce and can easily create clutter which can be very disorganizing. A form or two is very likely to get lost in a pile of forms. In order words, paper forms are expensive and time-consuming.


Another downside of using paper forms is that users can easily make mistakes and errors while filling them and corrections cannot be made hence, making the form look disorganized and less presentable. Using e forms, on the other hand, the user will have the opportunity to correct their work, save their progress and start all over if not satisfied.





As we look for new ways to increase the quality and service of our businesses, it is essential to understand that Forms are very important to the growth of every organization and should be treated like that. If you haven’t started using electronic forms for your business and organizations by now, consider giving it a try with a few forms, and you will immediately see the benefits. E forms will provide a smooth administrative growth for your business and great services to your clients.



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It’s Easy and Effective to Make Digital Forms

What do logging into websites, buying stuff online, and completing surveys have in common? All of these actions involve customers filling in online forms. Nowadays, there are hundreds of online forms and there are tons of free tools to help people make digital forms.

Is it hard to build forms?

make a digital forms

Not at all! One of the great things about digital forms is that it’s easy to learn how to make digital forms. For example, when I was in school, a lot of my classmates learned and used SurveyMonkey.

SurveyMonkey is a free online tool where users make and share surveys. It was a great tool for school (and even work!) because it was easy to build a form and it was valuable for collecting research data.

How do you make a killer form?

Tools like SurveyMonkey are just the beginning. Although it’s not hard to make digital forms, it’s important to learn how to do them properly. After all, great forms lead to great results!

building a killer form

The Best Practices of a Killer Form include Organization, Multimedia, and Mobile-Friendliness.


Forms must be organized. For example, consider Tax Forms. Taxpayers usually confirm their name, address, and other personal info on the first page of their Tax Form because it makes sense to keep similar data together.

Hence, before people start making forms, they should create a form outline. This involves brainstorming data collection objectives and grouping those objectives in a logical order.


Another best practice is including multimedia. Particularly, people are getting away from text-only forms. Most forms in the 2000s era consist of text boxes and checkboxes. In contrast, modern forms include file uploads.

To illustrate, think about driver maintenance forms. In the 2000s, drivers would need to describe vehicle problems in words. However, in modern forms, drivers can take a video with their phone and upload that video onto the form. After all, pictures are worth 1000 words!

Mobile Friendliness

Lastly, forms must be mobile friendly. Mobile friendliness is much more than downsizing a form to fit a phone screen. Instead, mobile friendliness is about taking advantage of phones. For example, a lot of digital phones use e-signatures. Customers can directly sign on a phone rather than signing on paper.

Case Example: AAA

Many businesses choose to make digital forms because it’s an effective way to improve processes. One of those businesses is AAA, one of the largest emergency road services.

Before starting digital forms, drivers manually completed forms. “Manual forms are a lot of work for drivers and for administrators,” commented a driver. “Sometimes, drivers had to turn in damaged forms because it was raining.”

Then, AAA decided to go digital. Digital forms were much more effective. In fact, on average, drivers got to their next jobs 3 minutes quicker. As a whole, this means AAA saved 750 hours every month!

Click here to learn more about making digital forms with ProntoForms. 

Part 2: Common Useful Reports – Maintenance & Fuel Reports

One of our biggest client requests is creating reports. Reports are a useful fleet management tool because they provide snapshots for decision making. For instance, fleet managers use maintenance & fuel reports to minimize fleet downtime and fleet fuel expenses.

Maintenance & Fuel Reports

Two of the biggest fleet cost drivers are maintenance and fuel. Maintenance cost includes repair and replacement costs, as well as lost productivity. Fuel costs, on the other hand, are predictable operational costs.

Some of the key maintenance & fuel reports include Engine Light Warnings, Fuel Trends, and Idling.

Engine Light Warning

Engine lights are a vehicle’s first indicator for trouble. For instance, engine lights might indicate that a mechanic needs to inspect a vehicle’s engine or air flow. If left unattended, vehicles can encounter major issues and stop working.

However, the issue with many fleets is that some drivers do not report issues. Fleet vehicles ultimately belong to the business and unfortunately, some drivers ignore engine light warnings because it isn’t their personal vehicle.

engine light warning

A useful report in this case is % Days with Engine Light On. This report measures engine light warnings during a given time period. Therefore, even when drivers are not reporting issues, mechanics will still know which vehicles need further checkup.

Fuel Last 3 Months

Another budget controlling initiative outside of controlling maintenance expenses is reducing fuel expense. Fleet managers are responsible for optimizing fuel costs. As a result, many fleet managers plan and implement strategies such as no-idling rules, driver contests, or fuel replacement.

All of those ideas are great. Nonetheless, the key question for many fleet managers and their performance evaluations is, “are my ideas working?”. This is why fleet managers measure and monitor trend reports. These reports are useful because they paint a long term picture of a fleet.

fleet fuel reports

For instance, here is a fuel report for the last 3 months. Overall, the fleet is experiencing lower fuel costs. However, over the past month, there was a slight increase in fuel expense. This is useful information for the fleet manager. Is there an increase because there is more business? Or, should the policies be re-evaluated?


Speaking of fuel policies, one of the most common and effective ideas is reducing idling. Unfortunately for many fleets, idling is a major concern. For instance, on my way to work, I noticed at least 3 idling vehicles.

In response, a lot of fleet managers create and monitor a zero idling policy. Idling Reports are a great tool for this objective. To illustrate, view the Idling Report above. Fleet managers can use this report to identify idling patterns and follow up with driver coaching.

Enjoyed our blog on maintenance & fuel reports? Check back with us for our next report set – driver safety!

Part 1: Common Useful Reports – Worker Efficiency Reports

One of our biggest client request is creating reports. Reports are a useful fleet management tool because they provide snapshots for decision making. For instance, operation planners use worker efficiency reports to plan employee activity and to monitor time usage.

Worker Efficiency Reports

This week’s guide focuses on efficiency. Worker efficiency means producing the most output while minimizing resources. In particular, we’ll split worker efficiency reports into utilization reports, time card reports, and unauthorized usage reports.

Utilization Report

Firstly, we’ll take a look at utilization reports. Utilization reports focuses on vehicles rather than specific employees. In these reports, fleets study a vehicle’s usage rate and if that usage rate is efficient. Why is utilization important?

Utilization is important because businesses can get rid of excessive assets. For instance, most fleets do a “utilization audit” and discover underused vehicles. They can then decide to sell those vehicles, thus cutting down on business costs.

utilization reports

To illustrate, here’s an example of an utilization report. This report is neat because it breaks down fleet vehicles by distance travelled. An operation planner might look at the report and reflect that a lot of vehicles travel less than 100km; it might good time to cut down on fleet size!

Time Card Report

Another efficiency report are time card reports. Supervisors use time card reports to monitor their employees’ job productivity.

In fact, time card reports are probably the #1 need for new vehicle tracking adopters. From my experience, many business owners struggle with employees that start late, leave early, and take long breaks.

time card reports

There are several reports that target inefficient employees. One of our favourites is the Late Arrival Report. To illustrate, Geotab had a contest for some of their employees to see who were early birds and who were late arrivers. In reality, however, Late Arriver Reports were effective in cutting down time fraud and improving customer satisfaction.

Unauthorized Usage

Similarly to time card reports, another useful efficiency report is unauthorized usage reports. Why? A lot of businesses let employees take work vehicles home. This increases the risk of unauthorized use.

For instance, one business owner noticed a company vehicle outside a bar. Rightfully so, the owner questioned if the employee was drinking and driving with the company vehicle. In another case, an employee used work vehicles for personal jobs.

unauthorized usage reports

What can employers do to cut down on unauthorized usage? One way is to track and monitor unauthorized use. In the above example, we can see that several employees broke unauthorized usage rules. This is valuable information because employers can use this as physical evidence against suspected rule breakers.

Enjoyed our blog on worker efficiency reports? Check back with us for our next report set – maintenance and fuel!

Playbook: How to Improve Workload with GPS Trackers

A common business quote is “busy is good”. And busy is good! Being busy usually means a business is earning money. In the same way, fleets want more workload because that leads to higher income. In this guide, we will cover 4 ways to improve workload with GPS trackers.

Four proven ways to improve workload with GPS trackers include:

1 – Optimizing routes

2 – Increasing driver productivity

3 – Increasing task productivity

4 – Balancing telematics workload

Optimizing Routes

The first way to improve workload with GPS trackers is to look at route optimization. Route optimization means planning out the best route and increasing the number of jobs per day.

Here’s how it works.

Firstly, managers would look at different factors to determine job routes. This can include distance from jobs, traffic, weather, and customer preferences. Thankfully, GPS programs are powerful enough to calculate routes based on all of those factors.

Secondly, routes are shared with drivers. For a long time, managers sent emails or texts to drivers. However, modern fleet setups now include an in-vehicle navigation guide. For example, some companies have in-vehicle tablets and display routes on those tablets.

As a result of these two steps, managers can squeeze more jobs out of a day.

Increasing Driver Productivity

Another way to improve workload with GPS trackers is to focus on job efficiency. In other words, are drivers productive on their current routes?

An operations manager at a service company explains. “When we evaluate workload, one thing we look at is driver productivity”, said the manager. “We had a few unproductive drivers that took long breaks and did not start their job on time.”

In response to these challenges, the operation manager started measuring work productivity. “We were able to track productivity by measuring the percentage of time drivers spent on the road versus off the road. Soon after, drivers got the message and productivity improved.”

Increasing Task Productivity

Besides looking at driver productivity, another area is task productivity. Are employees spending their time on tasks that generate revenue for the business?

“Our company focuses on deliveries, so for us, making money means driving more. I found that our drivers were burdened with tasks like inspecting vehicles or completing delivery paperwork”, said a delivery business owner. “Sure, those tasks might take 10 or 15 minutes a day. However, that quickly adds up to over an hour per week where we can be on the road and making money.”

One idea is to use automated paperless software. For instance, some businesses use a computerized inspection system. Computerized programs collect diagnostics data from the vehicle and auto-fills inspection forms. Therefore, employees can go straight to the job rather than doing paperwork.

Balancing Telematics Workload

Finally, is it always useful to use telematics? The answer is actually no. There are times when GPS trackers can burden drivers.

Recently, there was an academic study on drivers that got in accidents because of telematics. The study refers to the “Multiple Resource Theory”, which states that humans only have enough visual, cognitive, and manual resources to focus on one task at a time. In other words, some drivers get distracted by their telematics system.

For example, some systems might have audio alerts whenever a manager assigns drivers a new job. The first instinct for some drivers is to check their notifications. Unfortunately, during that time, the driver stops focusing on the road and increases their risk of getting in an accident.

What’s the lesson? Businesses should learn to balance telematics and driving. For example, some businesses set up their system to only alert drivers of new jobs when their vehicle is stopped.

Click here for another article about improving workload with GPS trackers!

University of Michigan: Driver Distraction, Telematics Design, and Workload Managers: Safety Issues and Solutions

5 ZenScore Widgets You Have to Use

The ZenScore Dashboard 


When you’re managing a fleet, you are always looking for ways to improve your drivers driving habits, and look for savings in fuel costs and maintenance. ZenScore is very effective in doing that, and we’ll talk about how the dashboard will allow you to meet your goals with your fleet.


The dashboard is a feature within ZenScore that gives you a live display of your fleets driving performance, by showing the data in charts and graphics. The charts are fully customizable to your liking and can range from pie charts, line charts, and heat maps. These charts are referred to as widgets, and can be arranged on the screen as you prefer.


The dashboard can be displayed on a screen in your office, for drivers to see when they come in, and see how their fleets performing, or how they compare to other drivers. This will incentivize your drivers to drive better, and rank higher, especially if you run a contest.


Let’s review the top 5 widgets we think you need to be showing:



1. Incidents



In the incidents widget, you are able to choose which rules you’d like “incidents” to represent, such as speeding or harsh braking. You are able to select up to 8 rules and decide what type of chart you’d like to use.



2. Top 10 Drivers


Top 10 Drivers

You can decide what 8 or fewer rules you want to select which will decide who the top drivers are. You may select idle time, harsh braking, speeding & hard acceleration, or any other rules you want to include.



3. Heat Map


Heat Map

The heat map will show darker colored areas where the most rules are broken. The map is fully interactive, and the data will refresh frequently. This is a great way for you or your drivers to see where the problem areas are.



4. Driver Contest Top 10


Driver Contest

When you decide to run a contest, explained in our blog here, you can create a widget that shows the current standings of the top drivers, from 1 – 10. This is a great way to motivate drivers to win by improving their safe driving practices while saving you lots of money in the long run!



5. HOS Violations


HOS Violations

We know that tracking driver’s hours is very crucial to your business. Create the HOS Violations widget to see how many incidents there were per day. Tracking this is important for the safety of your drivers, and for protecting you from fines that can be up to $16,000 per violation.


Now that you know the top 5 widgets, start using them today to run a safer and more efficient fleet!

5 Ways to Improve Fleet Efficiency

Fleet tracking is important, but let’s talk about fleet efficiency. Not only is fleet efficiency important for protecting the environment, but it’s also good for your business! (Who would have guessed). Let’s get started.

1. Fleet Aerodynamics

Fleet Efficiency

Poor aerodynamics on your fleet vehicles will cause more costs in fuel, especially when lots of kilometers are driven. This is due to the amount of drag that is created, essentially making your vehicles work harder to move forward, therefore using more gas. Just as if you were biking against hard winds while wearing a very puffy jacket. You will get tired much quicker and use more energy per kilometer. There are many options to consider for adding aerodynamics to your vehicles, without compromising the look! Take a look at this site for example. 


2. Regular Scheduled Oil Changes

fleet efficiency and telematics

Executing scheduled oil changes without delay will ensure internal engine parts are protected, saving you money on future repairs. Not only that, but did you know oil health also affects fuel usage? As oil breaks down, it loses its effectiveness to lubricate the internal parts of the engine, causing more friction and heat, which leads to loss of engine efficiency. Make sure oil changes are done on time, and your fleet’s engines will run more smoothly and more efficient.


3. Tire Pressure Maintenance

tire pressure maintenance

Picture yourself riding a bike with nearly flat tires. I bet you’re imagining how hard it is to pedal and how tired you are getting! Well, this principle applies to vehicles as well. Keeping your tires consistently pumped to the correct PSI level will let the vehicles drive along will much less resistance vs. having low tire pressure, and will save you a lot of fuel usage. Keep in mind, tire pressure decreases approximately 1 PSI per 10 degrees Fahrenheit the temperature drops and vice versa. Pump it up to save!


4. Get rid of the paper!

paperless business systems

Another way to lower costs, and be more efficient, is to go digital. Some things, of course, need to be on paper, but the more you can convert to digital the more you will save. This will reduce printing costs, paper costs, and increase the speed of workflows within the office. This will also reduce clutter and reduce the need for extra storage, creating a clean and pleasant working environment.


5. Fleet Telematics

Fleet Telematics

Last but not least, our sophisticated fleet telematics systems are a great way to be on top of maintenance schedules. It’s also a great way to catch a problem with a vehicle as early as possible, in order to prevent further significant damage that could have been avoided. Our fleet tracking system will prevent excessive idling, eliminate paperwork, improve driver safety (possibly saving you money in the future for insurance), promote fuel efficient driving habits, and streamline operations (less time and money wasted).


These are some of our tips, and if you have more, share the knowledge on our “5 Ways to Improve Fleet Efficiency” post on Facebook!

Why Fleet Vehicle Tracking is Important for Your Business

Fleet vehicle tracking is important because it squashes problems and lets fleets run smoothly. Here are some common pain areas that tracking systems resolved.

Common Pain Areas Solved by Fleet Vehicle Tracking

“What the heck are my drivers doing?”

Pain area: Accountability, customer service.

One of the biggest issues for fleets is supervising drivers. Here are some examples of dishonest drivers:

  • Some drivers were caught taking leisure rides in company vehicles and on company time. Instead of serving customers, they drove to other places – ranging from their home to local hangouts.
  • Other drivers were caught using vehicles for personal business. For example, a snow plow business caught a driver that used the company vehicle to take side jobs.

All of these issues were solved when vehicles were tracked. Besides rooting out dishonest employees, location tracking is also used for customer service.

For businesses that need to update customers on their service, real-time location tracking is an easy way to get and share info. Some businesses even took it a step further and uploaded the tracking data to a customer accessible web portable.

Pain Areas Solved by Fleet Vehicle Tracking

“Don’t tell me we got in another accident!”

Pain area: Safety, liability.

Running a fleet of vehicles can be risky. Some companies were held legally liable for accidents. For example, a trucking company owner was jailed because he encouraged unsafe driving practices. Other companies lost thousands of money from traffic tickets, fuel wastage, and lawsuits.

A great way to reduce safety risks is to use fleet vehicle tracking to actively train drivers. Fleets were able to create and enforce rules, from classic speeding rules to more advanced driving habits.

For example, one company required all drivers to back into parking spots because reverse parking is safer than head-in parking. They created a reverse parking rule. With vehicle tracking, the fleet created and monitored parking reports. As a result, the company got their entire fleet to buy into the parking policy and significantly decreased parking lot accidents.

fleet vehicles risks

“How am I spending this much money on fuel?”

Pain area: Operation cost

Fuel is a huge operating cost. It hasn’t helped out that fuel prices have spiked over the past year. The most effective adaptors, however, came from companies who tracked and monitored fuel use.

For example, a common idea to save fuel is controlling idling. A lot of fleets have a no-idling policy and need a way to enforce the policy. Enter fleet tracking! With vehicle tracking programs, fleets were able to set idling limits and work with drivers that exceeded those limits.

Another idea is creating smart routes. For companies that answer multiple daily service calls, a challenge is to figure out what is the most efficient way organize the driver’s day. Route planners calculate the order of the route, the directions of the route, and how long to spend on sites. As a result, fleets took on more jobs throughout the day.

smart routes for fleets


Fleets have a lot of pain areas to deal with. Driver accountability. Safety. Fuel costs. The list goes on. Fleet vehicle tracking is valuable to fleets because it gives fleet managers a tool to create solutions for these pain areas.


Sault Star: Judge hands transport owner 6 months jail

Geotab: Why Reverse Parking is Safer

Put a Stop to Employees Slacking Off

The One Who Slacks At Work


When was the last time you noticed a co-worker slacking off in the office?


Sleeping at work is an obvious give-away of a slacker. Other than dozing off, there are other creative and not-so-creative distractions. In fact, the top three productivity killers for office workers include:


All of these behaviours are observed while employees are supervised in the office. However, what if employees were not supervised and worked on a remote job site? These are four crazy stories that we compiled.


Story 1: The One Who Took Long Breaks


Several years ago, a handful of Toronto bus drivers made the news for the wrong reasons. Passengers increasingly complained of drivers who left for unauthorized breaks while driving.

In one incident, a passenger took a video of a bus driver who took an unscheduled doughnut shop break. For each night in the past few weeks (at 3 am!), the same driver left the bus while leaving the door open. The driver then visited the shop to buy beverages and returned several minutes later.

As a result of similar incidents, the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) took action against the drivers. However, the damage was already done. To this day, some Torontonians brand the TTC as “Take The Car”.


Story 2: The One Who Horseplayed


What is the boundary for horseplaying at work? In industries where injuries are common, the boundaries should be narrow. Ron Parker, a leading Safety Professional, experienced incidents where unsupervised employees took advantage of their freedom.

Parker recounted a story where a carpentry crew played Cops & Robbers with live equipment. The crew shot nails at each other with their equipment. In the aftermath, several windows were broken and a young kid narrowly missed injury.


Story 3: The One Who Stole


In a remodeling business, a crew of 2-3 workers were sent to work sites. They recorded their working hours on a timesheet, which was then approved by the team’s supervisor.

The business owner noticed a suspicious trend. For several days, one particular crew reported working hours of 7 am – 4 pm. This was too perfect to be true. The owner started tracking this crew and found out that the team usually left around 2:30 pm but took credit for extra hours.

Both the workers and the supervisor were stealing steal time!


Story 4: The One Who Was Caught Red-Handed


A relatively productive landscaper started showing up to work late. When his kind-hearted manager asked for an explanation, the employee said that his personal vehicle broke down. The manager allowed the employee to use the company’s spare truck in the meantime, as long as the employee only used the truck to commute to and from work.

One evening, the manager left the office relatively late. The manager used the local gas station and noticed that the spare truck was parked. At this time of the day, the only open local venue was the bar. The manager coincidentally knew the owner of the bar.

Within the night, the manager found the employee drinking at the bar while wearing his company uniform.


And The One Who Wants to Solve this Problem

What is the best way to manage remote workers?


The Sure-Fire Method

The sure-fire method to manage remote workers is to personally supervise employees. Even the biggest slackers would not dare to slack off within eyesight of the potential terminator of their employment.

However, this is rarely feasible nor time-effective.

The Alternative

An alternative to personally supervising employees is to employ a superpower sidekick. Many managers use tracking devices in order to prevent similar productivity killers.


The Superpowers:


Location tracking & geofencing. This power allows managers to see exactly where vehicles are located. Furthermore, managers can set up zones and can receive notifications if the vehicles leave such zones. As a result, managers stopped slackers from leaving for unauthorized breaks.

Electronic timekeeping. This power allows managers to verify working hours with vehicle data to ensure workers are accurately compensated. With manual timestamps and manual approvals, there is an increased risk of time fraud.

Dispatching & route planning. This power allows managers to get direct updates on job progress and plan efficient routes. As a result, slackers cannot kill productivity with unplanned detours.



Image by Freepik

Top 10 Office Distractions

TTC Employee Caught Slacking

Horseplay or Carelessness at Work

Workers Cheating on Time Cards [forum]

Paperwork Got You Down? Join the Paperless Revolution

Are you struggling to manage and keep track of all your invoices, bills of lading and other paper forms? Not only can this be annoying, but wasting labor hours handling endless paperwork can also be extremely costly.

Which is why so many people are transitioning most (if not all) of their paperwork into a digital format, to decrease the cost and time of filing paperwork. Plus, there’s an added bonus of getting forms and work orders emailed straight to you and the customer if needed, for a much easier workflow.


The ELD Mandate Makes this the Perfect Time to Switch


Because of the upcoming ELD Mandate, you have to switch from paper logs to electronic logs. Why not switch it all?

Our ELD solution, Geotab Drive, has multiple different optional integrations available – including an end-to-end solution for effective route planning and optimization for trucking and service based industries. The integration also includes an easy to use web-based platform for building forms, work orders, and route plans for drivers.


Eliminate Paperwork & Lower Overall Operational Costs


Through our route optimization engine you are able to optimize pick-up, delivery, P&D, and service based work orders across multiple drivers, time windows, and skills using the most cost-effective truck/standard route.

Drivers and dispatchers are able to easily manage communication of messages and work order statuses through instant mobile app notifications. Drivers can quickly and easily complete forms and send signatures or picture captures back to dispatchers for proof or service confirmation.

Let us help you eliminate costly paperwork and reduce planning time, miles driven, and overall operational costs. We will work directly with you to increase efficiency, route compliance and customer service with powerful dashboard reports and alerts.


Contact a fleet consultant today for more information.