Operational Congestion at airport

Part II: The Solution To Operational Congestion – A Congestion Management Strategy

In Part I, we discussed how operational congestion is very costly and a major source of problems for businesses. If it is not addressed, it will starkly impact operation managers from a financial and productivity standpoint, and result in customer dissatisfaction.

In Part II, we will discuss how highly localized environments like airports must use a solutions-based management strategy to prevent congestion and work pauses/stoppages.


Why Data Collection Will Allow For A Better Understanding Of Operations

In order to solve the issue of congestion in any localized environment, it is critical for factors into what is causing the congestion to be broken down. After highlighting these factors, a complete review of the assets within the localized area must happen to better understand the need and intensity of the demand. A specific spotlight must be put on the time and dates of movement and the severity of the resulting congestion. When this is completed, only then can insight to what triggers congestion can be understood and addressed with a solution.


Airport Resource Management – Data Collection and Airport Congestion

When dealing with airport resource management and congestion, this framework can be easily applied. The factors that cause the congestion can be analyzed – focusing on when runway traffic happens, what assets are involved, what the travelling speed of the assets are and what the posted speed of the roads are, as well as the intensity of the congestion. 

Generally, it is found that when more flights are landing or departing, more assets are required to service the aircrafts. This results in a buildup of congestion and only recedes once servicing assets are in detention.

Once this information is known and is cross analyzed with the speed of the roads, mapping can be completed to show the correlation of the average speed – what time slow downs are happening – and understand where major congestion points are.

What can operation managers do with this information? The answer is to source and implement a proper congestion management strategy. 


Implementing A Congestion Management Strategy

When information regarding what assets are causing congestion or when slowdowns happen, a congestion management strategy can then be implemented. By leveraging a heat map, businesses can effectively display asset types, the average speed traveled, the time of day travel, and the calendar date traveled. This new stream of information can guide a new and more effective strategy. 

A best practice to minimize the impact of congestion during high-demand traffic is to strategically divert traffic through travel routes. This will result in less congestion as there are fewer assets who require the road. Oftentimes, this means using detour routes so they will not be required to travel through the same routes. This may require certain assets to be directed to take specific detour routes – either permanently or during traffic spikes. Although it may seem counter-intuitive for assets to be taking the “longer route,” these detour routes drastically reduce congestion and ensure that assets continue moving. 

To ensure success, policies and procedures must be enforced by the airport resource management strategy so employee behaviour changes during this strategic shift. Leveraging learning systems, like ZenduLearn, can help with this change, as staff are assigned new training modules that explain the new driving routes and the new congestion-reducing regulations. 

In fact, the GPS tracking solutions can be paired with the learning system to see whether drivers are following the new regulations and alert operations managers when a route infraction occurs. 


Reducing Congestion In Any Industry

Congestion happens in many industries. Whether it is distribution warehouses, construction sites or airports, not being able to locate or track the movement of assets can affect the bottom line of a business. 

Contact us today to learn more about how your business can benefit from a unique congestion management strategy and the solutions we recommend to help you see results.

Operational congestion occurs in highly localized environments such as airports

Part I: More People Are Affected By Operational Congestion Than You Think

The backlog of stationary assets can result in operational delays, lengthy completion of tasks and will add additional costs to projects. If we focus on the costs of congestion, one thing becomes clear – the ongoing costs are too much to bear for businesses. 

Below we discuss how congestion in business operations, where environments are highly localized, must be addressed to reduce operational losses. As well how this affects airport resource management. 


Where Congestion Is Not Yet Understood

When the general public thinks of congestion, they think of the travel delays between two points during high-demand times or peak hours. However, it is important to emphasis that congestion happens way more than you think and is not limited to the roads during rush hour.

Operational congestion occurs in highly localized environments such as airports and warehouse distribution hubs. These environments often have few routes available for transportation and there is limited data collected about the movement of assets. With few route options and limited data – congestion is bound to occur.

While some delays are inevitable in these environments, allowing it to continue for too long is too costly for businesses to ignore. If businesses focus on the costs of grid locking and backlogs, they will find that many resources are wasted as staff are unable to maintain a steady workflow. Such delays cause a ripple effect and can adversely affect customer relations – as customers become frustrated standing in long waiting lines.

In comparison, non-localized environments (what much of the public encounters when travelling on highways or city streets) have data sources available to help alleviate congestion. Sources like Google Maps has been implemented to collect, display and analyze congestion information on an ongoing basis and in real-time to the masses. 

In fact, this flow and analysis of information has inspired operation managers to be specific in how and where they want to reduce operational congestion in localized environments. 


Congestion In Airports

With thousands of assets moving daily – highly localized environments like airport grounds are a prime example of where congestion can be found. With constantly moving assets, airport operations have a goal to optimize flow of traffic, reduce gridlock and lower wait times of assets in detention. 

To properly stop asset detention, an entire framework of what congestion is in an airport environment must be understood by equipping assets with various telematics solutions. By using connected sensors to see how equipment is being used, as well as GPS tracking to note the location and speed of vehicles – businesses can gain proper visibility into operations. Doing so will allow for assets to remain in movement, shortening servicing turnaround time and as a result, increase revenue.


The Repercussions of Congestion In Airports And Airport Resource Management

Airports cannot afford to allow congestion to be ongoing. Not only does it cause for asset detention or the pause of asset movement, but it results in a myriad of issues: 

  • Overall fleet performance will drop as work is at a standstill 
  • Some operations are at risk for being charged for the waits
  • Heavy financial losses are experienced as employees are paid even if work cannot be performed – causing a potential spike in higher ticket prices
  • Resources are wasted when equipment or vehicles are idling 
  • Passengers suffer lengthy delays when travelling 
  • Attention to detail and safety decreases as staff rush to complete tasks to stay on time  

It’s important to note that these repercussions of operational congestion may seem specific to airports, but very similar issues can be noticed in other highly localized environments. Distribution hubs, for example, are seen to encounter very similar productivity, financial and consumer effects. 


Triggers of Congestion

Airports are highly localized as there are few roads that thousands of assets must utilize at predetermined speeds. Since there can be numerous assets such as refuelers, tugs and tractors, water trucks, passenger boarding steps and more servicing, each aircraft – from the second it lands to moments before it takes off – can contribute to congestion. 

The problem of congestion is compounded when aircrafts take off and land every few minutes – meaning that they must undergo routine aircraft maintenance by servicing crews. This causes longer than necessary turnaround times, especially during high-traffic and peak times. 

Part II: The Solution To Operational Congestion – A Congestion Management Strategy