Real Time GPS Vehicle Tracking: Increase Productivity

Increase Productivity With GoFleet’s Real Time GPS Vehicle Tracking

Managing a fleet of vehicles can be difficult; however, managing a productive fleet is even harder. The business term “productivity” defines the amount of output from an employee or process. In the current economy, most companies have to increase their productivity using less resources. Unfortunately, these companies face productivity issues that affect the overall success of their business. GoFleet’s real time GPS vehicle tracking helps businesses measure and manage fleet productivity and efficiency.

It is much more complicated to manage a fleet of vehicles and drivers than it is to manage employees inside of your office. That is because it is hard to identify unproductive workers when they are out in the field. GoFleet’s real time GPS vehicle tracking makes increasing driver productivity easy. It uses GPS devices installed in each vehicle to track your fleet and measure your drivers’ behavior and performance.

GoFleet’s real time GPS vehicle tracking lets you efficiently manage your fleet. You will have access to 24/7 fleet data that you can use to identify areas that need improvement. Once the areas have been identified, you can use the data to achieve measurable results. For example, you can use the real time GPS vehicle tracking activity reports to make sure your drivers are arriving at job sites on-time and that they are completing all of their assigned jobs each day. You can also set up email or text message alerts for the fleet management system to notify you if the vehicle enters an unauthorized area.

You can also use the vehicles’ start and stop times to validate your employees’ hours instead of having them come into the office just to punch a time card. Automating the timecard process saves the driver time and saves administrative time.

In addition, you can increase productivity by using the real time GPS vehicle tracking routing solution to create efficient and accurate driving routes. This will enable your drivers to spend less time driving around and more time providing great service to your clients. Dispatchers can use the real time location, to send the closest vehicle to a job site. Drivers will be able to complete more jobs each day, which will increase revenue while decreasing high fuel costs.

Fleet Management GPS Will Increase Sales Team Productivity

Increase Productivity of Sales Team With Fleet Management GPS

Sales is all about spending more time selling and less time dealing with the administrative aspects.

When being faced with constant meetings back-to-back nearly everyday it is easy to let the paperwork pile up. Hours of careful planning before hitting the road is a luxury not many people in sales can afford.

On the sales end of things, many of you might be thinking you don’t want anyone tracking you but, fleet management GPS works FOR you not against you:

Wouldn’t it be great if you could send all your appointment locations to your Garmin device so you don’t have to input them when you get in your vehicle? Get a report of your visited locations to put your day of work into your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) for automatic follow up? Do your expenses quicker than ever by providing you with a comprehensive report of your mileage at the end of each month? With fleet management GPS you can.

On the management side of things, you could go one step further and build an API to integrate into your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to make your team be even more productive. If you want to know more about how this can be done, send an email to [email protected] or call 1-888-998-1122.

The main intention of a fleet management GPS system is to make life easier. Whether that be for fleet managers to monitor their vehicles, HVAC company owners to dispatch workers to specific jobs, or sales reps with very limited time, fleet management GPS can help. For more information on GPS fleet tracking and how fleet management GPS can help you whether you are in sales, are a fleet manager, or own a business, contact us.

Our amazing support team will help guide you along the way and continue to guide you throughout your time as one of our clients. We want to work with you to stay organized and make your life easier.

Original Article From Geotab:
How Telematics Can Help Make Your Sales Team More Productive

3 Easy Ways to Increase Your Company’s Response Speed

A common reoccurring complaint from customers about different businesses is regarding poor response time. Customers complain about lengthy hold times, the huge window when a service person may (or sometimes may not) appear, or waiting to get a callback regarding an issue. Poor response times can damage a business’ brand and bottom line, but solutions are available to reduce your company’s response time.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)
A virtual private network, also known as a VPN, gives employees access to the business’ internal resources. These resources include anything from inventory and order management to internal calendars. Access to these allows your employees to answer customer questions or problems right on the spot. This will also allow employees to provide customers with a timetable for the delivery of a replacement part or new order.

FAQs and Searchable Databases
More often than not customers will try to find an answer for themselves before they call the customer support line. Developing an FAQ with answers to the most commonly asked questions or problems your customers are facing is an excellent way to address common issues. GoFleet’s support team has adopted this technology and has found great success with it thus far.

Upgrade Fleet Management
Unnecessary idle time and poor route planning have a more significant impact on your fleet’s response time than you may think. Service calls and delivery times can be unpredictable and reduce customer satisfaction and trust. Businesses that start out with one truck often develop unofficial policies to guide their fleets; upgrading your fleet management can more than pay for itself in customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction then leads to referrals and repeat customers. A specialist in upfitting in Calgary advises outsourcing fleets to a management service with GPS (such as GPS fleet tracking by GoFleet) which will dispatch the closest vehicle to the address, reducing the time between receiving the service call and getting a vehicle on-site to a minimum.

Contact GoFleet to learn more about increasing your company’s response time. We want to help you better manage your fleet. Call 1-888-998-1122 or email [email protected].

Original Article: Business 2 Community

GPS Vehicle Tracking Devices Increase Fleet Productivity

GPS Vehicle Tracking Devices Offer Amazing Performance Tracking Features

Real-Time GPS Vehicle Tracking Devices

Watch your vehicles moving on a map in real-time with our GPS vehicle tracking devices. And what’s even better? You can also see all of the associated trip details when hovering your mouse over the trip points (including broken rules, speed levels, and more). GoFleet’s rich breadcrumb trail tracking by Geotab is a patented technology that gives you the most advanced insights into your driver’s on-road performance.

live gps vehicle tracking devices

Trips & Activity Reporting

GoFleet stores all your trip history information allowing you to re-create any of your trips at any time for any specific date. The reports provide an in-depth analysis for various events, such as time spent driving versus at the office versus customer locations, helping you identify work time allocations with accuracy.

trips activity gps vehicle tracking devices

NFC Driver ID Keys

We have incorporated the latest in RFID technologies – NFC (Near Field Communications) – to deliver Driver Identification for drivers that switch between vehicles. Driver ID allows your management team to view drivers, regardless of what vehicle they may be driving – generating rules, exceptions and reports by driver OR by vehicle. Driver ID can be combined with vehicle immobilization, this means a valid Driver ID must be touched to the reader before the vehicle will start.

RFID NFC Key GPS Vehicle Tracking Devices

New Exception Rules

As an innovative engineering firm, GoFleet is continually raising the bar whenever it comes to driver productivity tracking. Within the software that comes along with our GPS vehicle tracking devices, you can set various preferences such as: early leaving, late arrival, unauthorized home stops, idling, long lunch, long stops during work hours and too much office time.

exception rules

Dispatch With Our GPS Vehicle Tracking Devices & Garmin Integration

Working with Geotab & Garmin, GoFleet has effectively transformed GPS vehicle tracking devices into powerful dispatching and messaging tools. Send route information directly to the Garmin unit which will then automatically navigate drivers to the right destination. Additionally, you can set driver statuses to “on the job” when drivers arrive on site, and have the vehicle color change on the map based on their status, making it even easier to identify your drivers.

garmin gps geotab gofleet

GoFleet works with you to improve your productivity, safety, and get a ROI quickly. We don’t simply sell you a product, we provide you a constant service to help make managing your fleet as easy as possible. Contact one of our Fleet Consultants today for more information.

Idling Time: What’s Preventable & What’s Acceptable

When it comes to obtaining return on investment (ROI) information with GPS fleet tracking technology, the lowest hanging fruit typically revolves around fuel savings by reducing speeding and idling time. Idling time can be defined as the duration of time the engine is running and the vehicle is not moving. When looking at the total idling time, the lower the amount the better right? Maybe, maybe not.

For example: Driver 1 has a total of 300 minutes of idle time and Driver 2 has a total of 250 minutes of idle time. If the lowest total idle time is better, Driver 2 is doing a better job correct? Not in this case.


To completely understand and address the idle time, we need to break it down into three segments:

  1. Idle time before the trip
  2. Idle time during the trip
  3. Idle time after the trip

Check out the chart below. The majority of preventable idling time occurs during the before and after trip segments. This time spent idling can be reduced by the use of the idling reduction campaigns which establish one-on-one communication with drivers, peer pressure, and continual feedback using the idling reports.


Idling time can be significantly reduced by instilling a culture that prohibits the running of the engine during pre-inspections, filling out paper work and on any/all activities where having the engine running is not necessary.

Idling time during the trip can be used in route planning because it helps to indicate travel conditions for a given area or route. Idling time during the trip is usually attributed to traffic signals, traffic conditions & driving conditions. It is more than likely drivers do not have direct control of this idle time, this route and time-of-day can be evaluated to ensure travel delays (idling time) is reduced as much as possible.

After analyzing the segments, Driver 1 has 100 minutes of preventable idling time while Driver 2 has 200 minutes of preventable idling time. In this particular example, Driver 1 is doing a better job of controlling preventable idling time.

To be effective in reducing the idling time of your drivers you need to look a little below the surface to fully understand what a good idling time is. To learn more about how telematics technology can help you better optimize your fleets, try our Fleet ROI Calculator or contact one of our Fleet Consultants.

Employee GPS Tracking

Next Level of Fleet Employee GPS Tracking

Fleet Employee GPS Tracking

Empowering fleet owners with Employee GPS Tracking intelligence means more than knowing what’s hot, cost-effective and will provide more bang for your buck. Aside from immediate vehicular location, business owners struggle to keep tabs on refueling costs, lower labor billing and free up time for customer service to really concentrate hard on the task at hand. To get the full depth and breadth a premier fleet management solution, you really need to accentuate areas of need. Consider these points:

Are You Increasing Vehicular Awareness?

Knowing your drivers remain on course, while viewing key data that distinguishes fuel used versus fuel efficiency are paramount in commercial trucking industries. It can be a real difference-maker. Constantly controlling costs allows any savings to be passed down to customer, thereby widening your customer base. Therefore, really ask yourself, and your managerial team, if your current employee GPS tracking methodologies are ‘up to par’ with what’s required to track vehicles wholly, not partially.

Is Your Current Technology Safety Conscious?

Driver safety is perhaps your utmost concern when numerous fleets are operating for your large commercial trucking service. American transportation departments mandate drivers perform safety checks, yet nobody predicts where, or when, tragedy will strike. The right fleet technology, designed with both driver safety and company loss prevention in mind, can assure everyone remains safely atop their intended course while pro-actively monitoring vehicular location.

How Can You Better Monitor Expenditures?

For the truck driving industry, great fleet employee GPS tracking devices can track the behaviors of the drivers effortlessly. If the driver is idling, it can measure that so you can correct the problem. Also, higher levels of employee GPS tracking can see the routes the trucks are taking for any out of route mileage. Finally, you could also break down mileage by state that will get your IFTA reports done seamlessly. It will reduce brake pads, and unnecessary switching of tires when you reduce excess stoppage, too. Does your current expenditures have technological breakdowns to this degree? If not, it’s time to step up your tracking level!

The Takeaway

The bottom line, in business, is a well-deserved name; without monitoring expenditures, drivers and fuel, you’ll probably go nowhere. No matter what your business is, you want to profit as much as possible while offering safety, customer service and exceptional workplace ethic. Business owners try everything to increase their bottom lines; some work, some don’t.

The only thing business owners can count on is choosing the right fleet tracking technology to contain fuelling costs, increase overall productivity, and hold those drivers’ accountable. To take your fleet employee GPS tracking to the next level, identify areas which lack and apply current technology to those areas to gauge cost-effectiveness.