Why Use ZenScore? What it is, How to Use it, & Benefits!



What is ZenScore? 


ZenScore is an add-in found within MyGeotab and it’s completely free. Simply scroll to the bottom of the sidebar, and you will see the ZenScore add-in. But what is it? Let’s dive right in.

First off, ZenScore summarizes specific key performance indicators that you can customize based on your business goals, including a view of historical data in order to observe pain areas that need improvements, for example, speeding or harsh acceleration. When you open ZenScore, your data will already be loaded automatically for your review! You can run reports based on different time periods, and see how your fleet is performing. Drivers will see the settings you created, contests you made, and they will see their performance all on their phone or tablet! All they need to do is download the ZenScore Mobile App.

Fleet Report

Once you know where you need improvements, you may create contests and view your driver’s scores based on the KPI’s you set. For example, if your fleet is speeding too much, you can create a contest within ZenScore based on speeding, then rank your drivers based on this KPI. The drivers will see the final results of the contest, which will help incentivize improvements. You may also decide to give a reward to the winners for extra motivation!

As an added feature, built in training videos are available to drivers that are continually struggling with areas such as hard acceleration, harsh braking, and harsh cornering, etc. These training videos may also be used for new drivers that just came on board. You may also easily add your own videos that you find are effective.

As a new feature, you have the capability to create your own dashboards where you can add widgets such as heat maps, incidents summaries, idling line charts, HOS violations, Driver Scores, and much more! Use the Dashboards to display in your office to see how your fleet is performing in real-time!

ZenScore Dashboard



How Do You Use ZenScore?

Once you click into ZenScore, the data is already synced for you! This data came from your Geotab devices installed in your fleet.

First, you will need to set the KPIs that you want to optimize in your fleet. To do this, simply go into the settings, and select which rules you would to see! You will notice that if you had any customized rules, they will already be synced. Just check them off to make them visible! Done. Now you can see your KPI’s, it’s that easy. You will notice that you can track improvements even from here since it shows you the data from different time periods.

Now, go ahead and set your customized reports to be emailed to you automatically, either daily, weekly, or monthly. Go to settings, and select email reports. Customize the time period and other settings, and you’re all set! Adding training videos is very easy as well. In the settings, select add video, and enter the video URL!

ZenScore Email Reports

You may add contests by going to the contests tab. Add a relevant title such as “Lowest Speeders Contest – April, 2018”. You can choose the rule that you want to measure, your fleet’s goal, as well as the reward description. You can get creative with this!



So in the End, How Does ZenScore Benefit Your Company?

ZenScore will have many measurable benefits for your company. Firstly, you will see savings on your fuel costs. When your drivers start driving more efficiently, and less aggressive, the vehicles will use less gas. Aggressive driving can lower your gas mileage by 10% – 40%! 1

By encouraging safe driving, this will lower the risk of incidents, and in the long run, save you money for costly repairs and downtime. Also, wear and tear will be decreased on the vehicles, reducing repairs and maintenance.

With ZenScore, measuring your fleet’s performance has never been so easy. Measure performance, encourage improvements and start saving money now with ZenScore, a consolidated and convenient fleet management system.





Sources: 1 Driving More Efficiently, https://www.ornl.gov/news/sensible-driving-saves-more-gas-drivers-think


5 Ways to Improve Fleet Efficiency

Fleet tracking is important, but let’s talk about fleet efficiency. Not only is fleet efficiency important for protecting the environment, but it’s also good for your business! (Who would have guessed). Let’s get started.

1. Fleet Aerodynamics

Fleet Efficiency

Poor aerodynamics on your fleet vehicles will cause more costs in fuel, especially when lots of kilometers are driven. This is due to the amount of drag that is created, essentially making your vehicles work harder to move forward, therefore using more gas. Just as if you were biking against hard winds while wearing a very puffy jacket. You will get tired much quicker and use more energy per kilometer. There are many options to consider for adding aerodynamics to your vehicles, without compromising the look! Take a look at this site for example. 


2. Regular Scheduled Oil Changes

fleet efficiency and telematics

Executing scheduled oil changes without delay will ensure internal engine parts are protected, saving you money on future repairs. Not only that, but did you know oil health also affects fuel usage? As oil breaks down, it loses its effectiveness to lubricate the internal parts of the engine, causing more friction and heat, which leads to loss of engine efficiency. Make sure oil changes are done on time, and your fleet’s engines will run more smoothly and more efficient.


3. Tire Pressure Maintenance

tire pressure maintenance

Picture yourself riding a bike with nearly flat tires. I bet you’re imagining how hard it is to pedal and how tired you are getting! Well, this principle applies to vehicles as well. Keeping your tires consistently pumped to the correct PSI level will let the vehicles drive along will much less resistance vs. having low tire pressure, and will save you a lot of fuel usage. Keep in mind, tire pressure decreases approximately 1 PSI per 10 degrees Fahrenheit the temperature drops and vice versa. Pump it up to save!


4. Get rid of the paper!

paperless business systems

Another way to lower costs, and be more efficient, is to go digital. Some things, of course, need to be on paper, but the more you can convert to digital the more you will save. This will reduce printing costs, paper costs, and increase the speed of workflows within the office. This will also reduce clutter and reduce the need for extra storage, creating a clean and pleasant working environment.


5. Fleet Telematics

Fleet Telematics

Last but not least, our sophisticated fleet telematics systems are a great way to be on top of maintenance schedules. It’s also a great way to catch a problem with a vehicle as early as possible, in order to prevent further significant damage that could have been avoided. Our fleet tracking system will prevent excessive idling, eliminate paperwork, improve driver safety (possibly saving you money in the future for insurance), promote fuel efficient driving habits, and streamline operations (less time and money wasted).


These are some of our tips, and if you have more, share the knowledge on our “5 Ways to Improve Fleet Efficiency” post on Facebook!