Driver Tracking App: Must-Haves

Last week, we looked at who should and who shouldn’t use driver tracking apps. We concluded that the best candidates were businesses who hired contractors and field employees.

This week, we’ll take a step further. Let’s say we’re one of those businesses. The question then becomes what are the most important things to look for in a driver tracking app. Some essentials include multi-platform, live tracking, rule creation, job management, and on-the-background.

Multi-Platform Apps

One of the most important driver tracking app features is also one of the most basic; the app should be available on both Android and Apple.

A lot of apps are exclusive to a single platform. For instance, some developers take a while or even abandon launching an Apple Store app because of its extensive rules. Apple’s App Store screens apps for things like user safety, usability, and legality.

Live Tracking

Driver Tracking Map

Another essential is getting live tracking. A lot of apps locate and report data but have a slight time delay.

For instance, some apps ping every 15 minutes. This becomes a problem when businesses give inaccurate information. Imagine how a customer would react if they were told a package will arrive in the next few minutes when in reality it’s not due for much longer!

Rule Creation

Speaking of customers, some businesses need to create customer service rules. The most common rule is location zones.

Driver tracking app users should be able to create zones and measure when employees arrive in those zones.

Driver Zones

Besides zone rules, GPS apps can create other useful rules. For instance, some businesses monitor employee safety by measuring speeding rules.

Job Management

Driver Job Management

If businesses need a tracking app, they also most likely manage jobs. A job is any event where an employee visits a customer or performs a service.

In that sense, many businesses are looking for ways to assign and manage jobs. For instance, Mobile Dispatch has a dedicated job assignment screen. Businesses can use this screen to schedule jobs, assign due dates, and measure if staff are meeting the deadline.


Lastly, apps should run on the background. In other words, these apps launch as soon as a phone turns on. The app continues to run until someone turns off the phone.

This is an essential business function because it facilitates easier management. Some driver tracking apps are ineffective because users need to manually turn it on. Hence, the app fails when employees forget to open the app or deliberately choose to disable the app.

Missed last week’s blog on who should use mobile GPS tracking? Click here to read.

Who Should Use Fleet Tracking Apps (And Who Shouldn’t!)

The GoFleet marketing team recently featured fleet tracking apps in our monthly newsletters. In turn, we had a healthy response from our subscribers. In fact, a lot of people submitted questions such as what businesses should use fleet tracking apps and what should people look for in a mobile GPS tracking program.

For that reason, we are starting a two-part series on fleet tracking apps. This week, we’ll take a look at who should (and who shouldn’t!) use mobile GPS tracking.

Contractor Businesses (Should!)

Track Contractors

Businesses that use contractors are some of the best fleet tracking app users. Why?

Contractor managers face the same challenge in tracking contractor productivity and safety. At the same time, however, contract businesses cannot easily install vehicle trackers. Because contractors drive their personal vehicles, businesses have a hard time installing GPS hardware.

On the other hand, fleet tracking apps fill that gap. Businesses can monitor contractors during business hours, while contractors can turn off tracking during their personal time.

Low Managerial Power (Shouldn’t!)

On the flip side, mobile GPS tracking is not recommended in businesses with low managerial power because the program is harder to manage.

In some cases, employees sabotaged mobile tracking programs by turning off their phone or uninstalling the app.

Unless managers can get employees to cooperate, we recommend using a hardware solution. Hardware solutions are connected directly into work vehicles and are tamper-proof.

Field Employees (Should!)

Track Feild Workers

Field service providers are another good mobile tracker candidate since employees leave their work vehicles for most of the day.

For instance, my friend works as a wildlife conservationist. She only drives in the beginning and end of the day. For the most of the day, she works on the field.

In those cases, phone-based GPS apps are more useful than vehicle-based GPS hardware. Phone apps allow managers to monitor field workers when they are away from the work vehicles.

Heavy Data Users (Shouldn’t!)

Another limitation of mobile GPS tracking is that it collects less data than dedicated GPS hardware.

For instance, basic tracking apps only track phone location. Fleets that need to collect fuel mileage data, maintenance logs, and advanced driving habits are better off using telematics devices.

Those devices connect directly into the vehicle’s computer and collect fleet-level data.

Check out our next article related to fleet tracking apps: Driver Tracking App: Must-Haves