Driver Coaching Greatly Increases Driver Safety

Increase Driver Safety With Driver Coaching

GoFleet’s driver coaching not only has a significant impact on fuel economy, it also greatly increases driver safety. Drivers often do not realize that they are driving in an unsafe manner. They are just trying to get from point A to point B as fast as possible. Drivers encounter many distractions that have their minds on other things other than on the road. Audible driver coaching provides beeps that will alert the driver when they are driving unsafely. The alert gives the driver an opportunity to change their driving behavior as soon as they become aware of the way they were driving.

Driver coaching provides audible beeps to alert your drivers when they are speeding, accelerating rapidly, harsh breaking or idling excessively. You need to explain to your drivers how GoFleet’s driver coaching works. Educate your drivers on the importance of driving safely. Additionally, adopt a company culture of safety. Target measurable improvements that will be measured on the weekly Driver Scorecard Report. The weekly results should be shared with all of your drivers.

Make sure your drivers understand that the driver coaching will alert them when they hit a specific speed, accelerate rapidly, break harshly or idle excessively. Over time, your drivers will automatically drive in a safe manner the moment they hear a warning beep. They will start to notice that they are driving safely every time they drive because they vary rarely receive a driver coaching beep.

Increasing your driver safety will keep your drivers safe, reduce the risk of accidents, keep other drivers on the road safe and increase the life of your vehicles. You can use driver coaching to progressively change your drivers’ behaviors. For example, you can start with audible beeps when your drivers drive 10 miles over the speed limit and then reduce it to 7 miles and then to 5 miles. This will help ease your drivers into driving in a safe manner.

For more information about GoFleet and how driver coaching can greatly increase driver safety at your company, Contact Us.