Driver Safety Management with GPS Tracking Devices

GPS Tracking Devices Transforming the Way You Think About Safety

In honour of National Safety Week in Canada, May 13th-19th, we wanted to share some valuable safety information about our GPS tracking devices. We are an engineering firm, not simply a GPS fleet tracking company and our devices offer much more than tracking.

Risk & Safety Report and Driver Ratings
With the next-generation safety technology in our GPS vehicle tracking devices, you can gain insight into your driver’s on-road behaviour with our safety management reports. Safety and risk scores are assigned to individual drivers based on different key indicators: seat belt usage, speeding, sharp turns, harsh braking, over acceleration and after-hours vehicle use. GoFleet can help you realize your potential to enhance your driver’s safety with real-time safety and risk reporting.

increase driver safety gps tracking devices

In-Vehicle Driver Coaching
GoFleet wants to make it as easy as possible for your drivers to immediately improve their on-road driving behaviour; our in-vehicle audible alerts notify drivers of potentially risky or unsafe driving. Once the risky/unsafe behaviour has been corrected (eg. reducing speed) the alerts will stop beeping. GoFleet wants to help you develop a fleet-wide safety program that really works.

GoFleet Audible Alerts GPS Tracking Devices

Ensuring Seatbelt Usage
Along with our long list of advanced safety features, our GPS tracking devices make it possible to ensure your drivers are always wearing their seat belts. An automatic seat belt detection feature reminds drivers to put their seat belt on when the car is in motion. This feature will not only help protect your drivers and reduce the potential for driver injuries it also ensures compliance with the law.

driver seatbelt safety gps tracking devices

Posted Road Speed vs. Actual Speed
Our GPS tracking devices allow you to compare your drivers speed with the posted road speed for highway driving, local city driving or within specific zones (eg. school zone). On top of knowing driver behaviour, you can observe changes in driving styles depending on the environment the driver is in, such as work or customer zones.


GoFleet wants to work with you to help ensure the safety of your drivers. To learn more about how our GPS tracking devices increase safety and the many other benefits contact us.