GPS Monitoring Device Used To Protect Domestic Violence Victims

Domestic Violence Victims Have GPS Monitoring Device Option

In Memphis, Tennessee, a GPS monitoring device can be used to notify a domestic violence victim that they might be in harm’s way. Many believe that if more domestic violence victims knew about this option, many tragic cases might not have ended as badly.

All domestic violence victims have to do is petition the court to use the GPS monitoring device on the perpetrator. The problem: many victims to not know GPS monitoring is an option. The court system and law enforcement agencies need to do a better job at educating domestic violence victims about what their options are to keep them safe.

Lawmakers are saying that if Charles Thomas was required to wear a GPS monitoring device, Tasha Thomas might still be alive today. On Tuesday, day care worker Tasha Thomas was outside of work when Charles Thomas, her husband, approached. All she had was a restraining order against her husband. The day ended in tragedy when murder-suicide left both Tasha and Charles dead.

According to Tennessee state law, Charles Thomas could have been forced to wear the GPS monitoring device. This device would have alerted Tasha Thomas by SMS text message when her husband was approaching and danger was near. The device would have also alerted the local police. The police would have been sent to the scene as soon as her husband was close by Tasha’s job. The entire tragedy could have been prevented.

Because many domestic violence victims are unaware of this option, a domestic violence victim lost her life and her children lost both of their parents.

Domestic violence victims need to seek help from local agencies to find out what other options are available to them in addition to just filing a restraining order. A restraining order is just a piece of paper and does not guarantee anyone’s safety. Victims need to devise a safety plan and know what their rights are. For more information about domestic violence visit the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.